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Author Archives: Laurie Hurson

testing post to group activity to email

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis bibendum felis blandit ullamcorper tincidunt. Suspendisse potenti. In felis nisi, tempus at cursus quis, pellentesque nec mi. Nam ultrices eleifend odio, ac interdum lorem pretium a. Phasellus accumsan velit quis magna porttitor, in faucibus felis gravida. Phasellus quis diam quis neque semper tristique. Suspendisse efficitur tellus ac enim sagittis, vitae rutrum eros pellentesque. Nam feugiat purus vel lacus rhoncus, non hendrerit tellus imperdiet. Aliquam ultricies molestie condimentum. Phasellus ut elit luctus, vulputate magna sit amet, efficitur quam. Curabitur auctor odio id eros eleifend, non consectetur nisi hendrerit. Fusce vehicula lectus ac nunc pellentesque molestie. Ut at velit neque. Praesent tincidunt ligula ligula, sed vulputate felis gravida a.

Testing title

Testing body content

Testing if this will create an forum activity item and send to email

Google Maps Embed Test

Shortcode block with shortcode: su_ gmapaddress=”New York City responsive=”yes”

add [ ] around shortcode to make functional

“Google Maps” Block with share/public link from custom map

Testing Hypothesis on PDF commons

Annotate PDF below

Student response

Student response to the prompts…..



PDF Embed from GitHub Test


Heading Test

Heading 2

Heading 4

Heading 5

Link here

Lightbox Gallery Test

Lightbox Gallery Test two

Test “Document” block

Powerpoint embed test

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Course Information

What:  Principles of New Media, CIS 3810 (Hybrid-Sample Course)

When: Thursday, 5:50-7:05 pm, Semester year

Where: Baruch College

Instructor: Laurie Hurson

Email: lhurson (at) gc.cuny.edu

Student Portfolios






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