Principles of New Media, CIS 3810 (Hybrid)
When: Spring 2019, Thursday, 5:50-7:05 pm
Where: NVC 12-140
Instructor: Laurie Hurson
Email: [email protected]
Office Hours: Thurs. 4:30-5:30 pm or by appt.
Office Location: Room H-123, Center for Teaching and Learning, Newman Library building inside the Subotnick Center (map)
This is a hybrid course. As a Hybrid course, we will meet once a week, with the rest of the course work taking place online. Hybrid does not = less work. Students are expected to attend our 75-minute face-to-face class sessions and spend 3-5 hours each week engaging in course activities online.
Syllabus Sections
- Course Platform: Blogs@Baurch
- How to Post & Post Guidelines
- Texts & Materials
- Course Requirements & Grading
- Student Etiquette and Responsibilities
- Student Resources
Click here for a PDF version of the syllabus and course schedule: [Add PDF]
Oour Course Site & Group
All class information, readings, and documents will be uploaded to the class site on Blogs@Baruch (here). To access this content sign into Blogs@Baruch. Navigate to “Directory of Sites” on the top, main menu and then go to “My Sites” on the sub-menu.
How to Post
- Sign in to The CUNY Academic Commons
- Navigate to this course site via Directory of Sites > My Sites
- Click + New>Post in the top black admin bar
- Add title and post text
- Categorize your post from category list in sidebar
- Publish Post
- More detailed directions here
Post Guidelines
- Posts should be at least 250 words
- Posts should be relevant to the course topic and materials
- Posts should not contain graphic, explicit, or inappropriate content or links
- Posts should be clearly written
- Posts should be respectful to the instructor, students, and all other individuals
- The instructor reserves the right to edit or remove any posts that do not follow these guidelines or are inappropriate for this site
Text and Materials
Links to reading and required articles will be posted on this course site under the Course Schedule.
To fully participate in this course you will need access to your Baruch email, a stable, secure internet connection, access to a desktop computer (some course work can be done on a phone or tablet, but several assignments require a desktop computer).
Course Requirements & Grading
- Attendance and Attitude : 15%
- Participation & Class Facilitation: %10
- Explorations and Quizzes (10): 5%
- Reading and Annotations: 10%
- Weekly Blog Posts & Comments (15): 30%
- Midterm “Short Guide”: 10%
- Final Manifesto Project 15%
- Lightening Talk Presentation: 5%
For more information, see Grading Information
Student Etiquette and Responsibilities
Students are expected to turn assignments in on time. Any late assignments will require an explanation and receive a lowered grade.
Students are expected to arrive to class on time and be respectful of other students and the instructor.
Disrespectful behavior will result in a lowered grade. This includes: class disruptions, derogatory remarks (on the blog or in person) or behavior, sleeping in class, etc.
Use of technology (computers /tablets/phones) in the classroom will be limited and only allowed at certain times. Technology in class should only be used in relation to course content and topics.
Student Resources
- If you would like a someone to proofread your midterm, or final manifesto (or other writing), or if you would like help citing sources, consider visiting the writing center. They are SUPER helpful on with all types of writing assignments! 🙂
Student Academic Consulting Center
- For academic help that is not writing related, make an appointment with SACC tutors.
Office of Services for Students with Disabilities
- If you require extra time or other accommodations, please talk to me after class or send me an email so I can help you setup the necessary accommodations.
Academic Honesty at Baruch College
- Plagiarism will not be tolerated.This means you cannot take someone else’s words or ideas and present them as you own. Using attributions and citations, you are welcome to quote and attribute ideas to outside sources to help build and develop your own ideas.
- I do not use plagiarism detection software but if you copy from another website, I am likely to find it. This happens every semester. Please do not copy/paste from another website, I will know. If you want to use information from another website, put the information in your own words and then LINK TO THE WEBSITE. This is a good way to cite your sources. If I find you have copied from a website, you will receive zero credit for that project.
Center for Academic Advisement
Baruch Technology and Computing Services (BCTC)